The 1st Lifton Scout Group has reflected on the unusual year in their recent AGM, but they are looking forward to better times ahead.
“It’s not been an easy year with all the lockdowns and social distancing affecting all aspects of our Scouting year,” so began the chair of the Scout Executive Committee, Peter Morris, as he introduced everyone to the AGM. “And hopefully this will be the last time we have to conduct the AGM via Zoom. Perhaps next year we will be able to gather for the usual awards evening and BBQ.
Despite the interruptions to the Scouting programme, the group has been busy in different areas. They have set up their own website and have extended the use of Facebook to keep parents updated on all that is going on in the group. Peter said they have also developed their boating capacity, having been gifted four dinghies and nine kayaks along with other water sports equipment by West Devon District, and have been able to recruit four new leaders, each of whom bringing a wealth of experience including involvement in other Scout groups.
Peter continued: “As the only Sea Scout group in West Devon we are particularly keen to develop our ability to maximise our use of Roadford Lake during the summer months. To enable our leaders to offer dinghy sailing and kayaking we have received several grants towards specialist training, including a grant from the Lifton Parish Council. In line with Scout safety requirements all the leaders supervising water sports require the appropriate adventurous activity permits.”
Group Scout Leader, Rob Weston, thanked all the leaders for their dedication during the past year. He said: “Even though we have not been able to follow our usual patterns of meetings, our young people have been able to complete many different badges. The Beavers have been working towards their navigator and explorer badges, to name just a couple. The Cubs have successfully completed their road safety, disability awareness and cookery badges. The Scouts have achieved their Personal Challenge badge and international badge.”
The treasurer for the past five years, Helen Sampson, stepped down and was thanked by all those present for her work on the accounts and the fact that the group was in a healthy financial position. Peter had arranged a gift to be delivered to Helen in recognition of her dedication to the group. In addition, the previous Group Scout Leader, Anna Dymond, was also thanked with a gift in recognition of her commitment and the hours she had given to the group. Anna continues to serve as the Scout Group Administrator and as an Assistant Beaver Leader.
Tim Rayner, on behalf of all the parents of young people in the group, expressed thanks to all the leaders and members of the Scout Group Executive. Keith Sully, West Devon Scouter, gave a report on behalf of the District Commissioner and added his thanks to all the leaders for overcoming the challenges of the past year. Keith assured the group of the support and advice of the West Devon District and looked forward to seeing the group go from strength to strength.
For more information about the group, visit