Over the course of the summer, autumn and winter months, Making Space for Nature will be hosting volunteer days in Launceston - so you can take part in a fantastic project to encourage wildlife and protect nature.
Following works completed at Windmill Hill, which we featured in an edition of Launceston Life last year, regular volunteer days will be running throughout 2021, courtesy of new urban ranger Becky Pack.
The aim of this project is to increase biodiversity and improve accessibility, while benefiting wildlife and people in the community. The volunteer sessions will support this by implementing a range of horticultural activities, such as weeding, pruning, planting and mulching.
Becky has set up some Spruce-Up days which anyone can take part in and will take place every third Wednesday of the month between 10am and 3pm, starting on 16th June. This first session will focus on the community orchard in the wooded area to the side of the park. The dates for the sessions are: 16th June, 14th July, 18th August, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November and 15th December.
Volunteers should meet at the Leisure Centre entrance.
To celebrate the project, Making Space for Nature is also running a photographic competition throughout June. For details on how to enter, visit https://www.exeter.ac.uk/esi/community/making-space-for-nature/
If you would like to find out more about volunteering, contact Becky on 0796996351 or volunteers@cormacltd.co.uk