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Group provides support to young families in Launceston

Becoming a parent for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Pairing this with becoming a mother or a father at a young age brings its own challenges.

Image: WILD Young Parents Project

Established in 1992 by a group of young parents and having reached 14,000 people, WILD Young Parents Project runs a group session each week in Launceston, aiming to provide support to local young families under the age of 20 (and up to 23 with additional needs). The sessions take place at the Orchard Centre on a Tuesday morning, and from January will take place at the family hub by the leisure centre on a Wednesday morning.

WILD aims to give young parents and their babies the opportunity to thrive and help them have the best possible start to family life, providing a range of fun activities for parents and their babies or toddlers such as music, art, outdoor adventure, as well as offering support for the health of parents, and information on creating a safe and happy environment at home.

In Launceston, young mums and their children, pregnant young women and young dads can make new friends, have fun and get help and advice.

Image: WILD Young Parents Project

To join this group, you will need to self-refer or be referred. To find out more information, email or visit


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