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Launceston Life magazine: How often do we publish our community magazine?

Publishing a magazine is an amazing, but time-consuming and busy process.

That’s why Launceston Life magazine is published quarterly - so we can make sure we spend enough time on each edition, gathering enough engaging content for our articles and giving as many businesses and organisations as possible the opportunity to book a space with us.

Why quarterly?

Publishing Launceston Life quarterly means we have three months in between each edition to focus solely on the next magazine, as well as work on and publish Launceston Life’s sister magazine, Bodmin Life, which is published on a bimonthly basis. Believe us when we say it’s ALWAYS busy for each member of the team at Life HQ!

When can I read Launceston Life magazine?

Four editions of Launceston Life go out each year - spring, summer, autumn and winter. In 2022, you will receive Launceston Life magazine on the weeks of Monday 7th March, Monday 6th June, Monday 5th September and Monday 5th December.

With just a month to go until the last magazine of the year is sent out to Launceston addresses, we’re looking forward to focusing on a brand new year of Launceston Life magazines.

For editorial enquiries, please contact For sales and advertising opportunities, email


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