We LOVE it when we hear positive news about Launceston's local businesses.
Achievements, expansions, new services - we love to hear about it and we always want to share it with our amazing readers and followers. That's why we were so pleased to hear from local photographer Jessica Chu at Maddielili Photography, who was recently nominated for an accolade in the Societies of Photographers International Photographer of the Year awards.
Jessica, from Launceston, was one of three finalists in the Family Portrait category. Despite not winning, Jessica became a finalist from 10,000 international entries - a fantastic achievement, and a huge compliment to this Lanson-based photographer.
What's more, Jessica also received an award from the Southern Enterprise Awards in the Most Innovative Event and Wedding Photographer 2020.
Jessica said: "In a year when the artistic community have struggled so much and we've been prevented from doing what we love for so much of the year, it's great to have had some positives."
Well done, Jessica!
Does your business have some positive news to share? Email Rosie, rosie@launcestonlife.com, with your news so we can share it on our website.