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How we are staying positive in lockdown 3.0

If we rewind back to January 2020, did we even comprehend the idea of living through three lockdowns within a year?

Well, here we are - lockdown 3.0. Not the ideal start to 2021 we were hoping for, but it’s been put in place for a reason.

It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the state of the world at the moment. Lockdown after lockdown, it can feel like things are not getting any better. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, with the question of when we’re going to get back to normal always whirling around in our heads. At Launceston Life, we can’t offer an answer to that, but what we can do is try and bring as much positivity, good news and local advice to you as possible.

That’s why we have put together this little guide and insight into each of our day-to-day routines, balancing home-schooling and getting used to working at home. You should be able to get to know us a little better too!

We all have different ways of coping, so perhaps you would like to reach out and give us your best tips and routines on how you manage this new normal! Email


Launceston Life is the product of our managing director Ellie, who lives on the outskirts of Launceston with her son. Having worked mostly alone on your quarterly magazines during the first lockdown and through to the end of 2020, doing all of this while working from home, Ellie is now a seasoned expert in this new way of working, but admits she doesn’t always get it right!

Routine is the way to go for Ellie. She said: “Set yourself your working hours - so 9 till 5, 9 till 3, whatever it is for you. It’s not always going to go to plan, and when you have kids at home, there may come times when you have to sit with them and calm them down. It’s important to remember that this year has been really hard. We’re feeling it as adults, but our kids are also feeling it.”

Ellie believes setting boundaries while working from home is incredibly important: “I’d say don’t schedule more than two meetings a day. But, I am the first to admit I don’t always stick to that - I have four meetings today! “But for people who have elements of flexibility in their jobs, I think it’s really important to find and establish a productive pattern. So decide on a place to work - for me, that’s the kitchen table - but when you’re done, pack it away, and don’t be tempted to keep going back to it because your work is essentially in your home now.”

A saviour to Ellie throughout 2020 and into this lockdown is exercise and keeping active, and advises it’s good to get away from your desk every once in a while, even if it’s just taking a quick walk. And although pyjamas are very comfy, do try and get dressed for work - even if it’s from the waist up. A bit of perfume and makeup can make you feel ready to face the day, as opposed to the temptation of sporting the charming look of bed-hair and fresh-from-the-pillow face…

Ellie added: “I find the gym really has helped me, and a G&T in the evening gets me through it. Remember not to be too hard on yourself - make your bed, draw the curtains, make sure you still do the things that relate to self-care and home-care.”


Claire, our sales executive who joined Launceston Life in November, only knows too well the struggle of balancing work and home-schooling. With lockdown 3.0, Claire not only has business calls and sales work to do, but now she has to focus on her daughter Willow’s school subjects too.

But, living close to the coast, Claire tries to make the most of the beautiful surroundings while locked-down: “I have found that plenty of coastal walks on the cliffs has helped with the fact that we are stuck in the four walls so much, and prevents Willow wanting to climb them! Good old fresh air!

“We also make sure to take time out for ourselves - our ‘own time’ - so we all separate each day to go and do something to chill out - sometimes easier said than done.” Like Ellie, Claire finds exercise a good way to get through lockdown. She added: “I get up early for a workout and Willow joins in too. A cold shower afterwards feels so liberating! Then it’s on to schoolwork, making sure to have snacks at the ready to hold off the hangry monster! The main thing for us is trying to get all the important stuff done in the morning so we can have fun in the afternoon.”


Also joining the Launceston Life team in November, working from home has been a new thing completely to me. I knew I had to get a routine in place to ensure I could separate my work and home life.

Each week, I think about my working hours and how I need to use them. My workspace varies between the kitchen table and the sofa - there’s got to be some perks from working at home, right? At the end of my working day, I shut my laptop, put it away and focus on getting my home ready for the evening, making sure it’s completely relaxing so I feel at home, rather than at work. A walk with the dog after work also completely soothes the soul, I feel.

Before I began working for Launceston Life, in the first lockdown I, like many people across the country, suddenly had a lot of extra spare time on my hands, so I had to get used to being productive in other ways. For me, this was decorating and thinking about home projects as we had just moved into a new house at the time of the first lockdown. I dived into painting walls, skirting boards, building flatpack furniture - you name it, I was doing it! I also found this time was a fantastic way to reconnect with old and new artistic hobbies. So if you’re currently on furlough, try and pour your energy into something positive and new. As cliche as it may sound, it really helped me get through the year.

I know many people who have used their time to start small businesses, reconnect with old friends, found new hobbies - even if it is learning a new TikTok dance or trying to keep up with Joe Wicks!

Remember we’re all adjusting, and we still are, almost a year on from the first lockdown. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you’re struggling - it’s just about finding the right balance for you!

Rosie, Ellie and Claire x

Launceston Life Magazine

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