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Menopause educational evening held at The Colour Lounge

Local hairdresser and business owner, Lisa Whitehouse, hosted a menopause educational evening at

The Colour Lounge recently.

Held in October, the event invited local GP Dr Charlotte Patton, who has a special interest in women’s health and menopause care, to speak and share her knowledge with the group.

Dr Patton said: “The evening was a great success, with many enthusiastic and interested attendees, all contributing with lots of questions and also insights into their own menopausal experiences. It was clear that many attendees benefitted from the sharing of knowledge and the support that they gave each other.

“Whether you experience it yourself or you have a partner, friend or relative that is experiencing it, menopause has an impact. Symptoms range from a few hot sweats with a bit of joint aching and fatigue, to a vast array of very significant symptoms, which can include (but are not limited to) anxiety,

brain fog, severe flushes, variability in mood, insomnia, itching, bladder and vaginal symptoms and changes in libido.”

Dr Patton continued: “Managing menopausal symptoms looks different for everyone. Some people need not do or change anything. Others benefit from lifestyle changes, supplements or prescribed medications or a combination of all of these.”


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